Welcome to Chakradance with Elisabeth
What is Chakrdance?
Chakradance is a worldwide phenomenon that is changing people’s lives for the better.
Here’s the low-down on what it’s all about…
“Chakradance is a healing movement practice. It’s a form of nourishment for your true self – for your soul. Moving to music specifically created to resonate with each chakra, you are guided into your own inner dance of release and re-connection. It offers a kind of liberation. It feels like coming home.”
Natalie Southgate Creator of Chakradance.
Picture this . . .
- Experiencing a healing so deep that it awakens a dormant magic within you based on self-love, and a connection to your heart and your truth.
- Moving from feeling exhausted and lost to alive and fully aware of your true self! A being who is joyful, passionate and in love with life.
- No longer allowing negative relationships into your life as you set potent boundaries and attract friends, partners and colleagues who enrich your life.
- Shifting from feeling disconnected from your self and from spirit to raising your vibration and opening to your highest intuitive guidance.
- Healing and releasing unprocessed emotions and trauma, and finally living a life you love.
- Releasing what no longer serves you and awakening an inner strength, power and connection to your true purpose.
Balancing Your Chakras Will Change Your Life
Movement is the language of deep transformation.
Consider this your divine invitation to use a fusion of Jungian psychology, dance, chakra resonant music, guided visualization, and mandala art as an elixir for your mind, body, and soul.
Chakradance gently unravels buried feelings, unresolved memories, and unconscious inherited beliefs, all of which we hold in our bodies, and in our energy centres, called the chakras. This blocked energy becomes the tension in our bodies, the illnesses we develop, and the negative patterns we keep repeating in our lives.
As you turn your awareness inwards you will release sabotaging beliefs and patterns, align with divine guidance, and move into a new realm of consciousness. You will start living and experiencing life from a
You’ll experience your own deep healing journey, releasing old wounds and traumas and discovering the potent energy that lies within you for change, ascension, and expansion.
And all this is centred around expressing ourselves through the joyful, uplifting, and innate calling in all of us to go within and move, dance, heal.
It’s time to rewrite your spiritual DNA in a way that’s so palpable and profound that happiness and genuine life freedom can’t help but follow.
Movement is one of the most powerful ways to awaken the energy within you, shift it, release it, and move beyond everything you ever thought was possible for yourself.
Through Chakradance, you can improve your whole state of being emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
You’ll expand your positivity, productivity, and the possibilities in your life.
Here’s How the Journey Unfolds
Week 1
Introductory Workshop
This sacred dance through all seven chakras will activate your healing journey and reveal to you which chakras you feel most at ease in and which may need dancing into balance.
Dance Your Primal, Instinctual Energy
The dance of the base chakra will activate your primal, instinctual energy. It will help you reclaim the wild, animal-like part of yourself and deepen your connection to the earth. From here you will feel supported and safe in your life.
Dance Your Sacred Passion and Pleasure
Dancing the sacral chakra will deepen your connection with your feminine energy (no matter what gender you are). Like water, your feelings and sensuality will flow from this dance. It will awaken your inner passion and open you to experience the flow of pleasure in your life
Dance Your Power and Purpose
As you dance the solar plexus chakra, you will activate your inner masculine energy. This fiery energy will fuel your dance helping you develop a deep bond with your confidence and strength. It will help you release what no longer serves you and move forwards in your life with courage and purpose.
Dance Profound Love and Compassion
The dance of the heart chakra will open you to love, kindness and compassion, for yourself and others. As you heal the buried hurts in your heart you will radiate pure love and joy into your life, your relationships and out into the world.
Dance Your Authentic Truth
This mantra dance will unlock your unique creativity and allow you to show up in the world in the way you are meant to. It will help you truthfully and authentically express yourself and help you live your life in harmony.
Dance Your Intuition and Clarity
As you surrender into the trance dance of the third eye chakra, you will find yourself opening up to visions, insights and higher guidance. This dance will heighten your perception and give you insight into how to handle difficult situations, or changes that need to be made in your life.
Dance Your Highest Spirituality
This dancing prayer will open you up to receiving Universal love, grace and wisdom. As you dance with the Divine, you will become a co-creator with the Universe. This dance will awaken a sense of sacredness and gratitude in your life.
Week 9
Integration Workshop
This final dance in the series is a sacred dance of finding wholeness within. As you reconnect back with all of your chakras, you will experience all of the different facets of you dancing together as one. This dance will reveal to you the beautiful being that you are. You will feel the freedom of being you.
Chakradance Events with Elisabeth
Here is the current list of Chakradance events that are upcoming.
Please note, some of these events may not be located at KickStart Wellness Hub.
Like To Know More?
Do you have questions? Get in touch with any enquiries that you may have about our treatments or courses.
You can do so via the Contact Form here, email us directly to enquiries@reikiunbounded.com, or call Robert on 07899 06 33 56 or Elisabeth on 0788 301 0863
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